Sunday, February 25, 2007

Exotic Creatures Found After Ice Melt

Who:: Gauthier Chappelle and other un-named scientists
What:: After global warming caused an ice melt in the arctic, scientists gathered many specimens and they think that they have discovered a new species altogether.
When:: December-February, 2007 (a 10-week trip to the arctic)
Where:: Along the border of the Antarctic Peninsula (the part of Antarctica that curves up and points at South America)
Why:: Scientists wanted to discover the kinds of creatures that dwell beneath the ice. If you want to see some of the specimens found, click on the link below and read the last five paragraphs of the article. Hopefully, after the specimens are examined, the scientists will find out that they have discovered some new species living beneath the ice.
My Opinion:: I think that its cool how the wildlife found beneath the surface of the water could withstand the extremely cold water and the freezing temperature outside. On the site there is a picture of a new sea-star found. It's orange and has six arms/tentacles *whatever you call them*. It looks really weird and it looks sort of like a propeller with six pieces coming off of it. Also, while reading the article, I saw that global warming was blamed for the ice melt. I realized that this really tells us how global warming affects the entire earth.

I found the original article